Panorama Family Survey -
School Name = Carlos Pacheco
Survey - Grades 3 - 5
Access CODE = pacheco2018
myON online reading program -
myON is an award-winning personalized literacy environment that incorporates:
- A state-of-the art learning platform
- Enhanced digital reading content
- Daily news articles written for students
- The Lexile® Framework for Reading
- Cutting-edge literacy tools
- Embedded metrics to monitor activity and growth
Bullying Prevention
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)
Internet Safety Links
Math Games
Fun site to practice math skills. Geared for all grades. Have fun playing math games!
Puzzles and Brainteasers
Brain teasers and math puzzles. Try your luck!
Science Topics/Games
Science games, activities, and experiments. Try it-You'll like it!
Website that teaches children to read using phonics. Geared for preschool to 2nd Grade. Also good for English Language Learners
Happier Classroom - Dojo is the simple way to connect to your classroom community